Brutality and Desire
Dagmar Herzog
Not Available
Confronting Modernity in Fin-De-Siècle France
Christopher E Forth and 1 more
Surviving Hitler's War
Hester Vaizey
What Is Masculinity?
J Arnold and 1 more
Intersections of Gender, Religion and Ethnicity in the Middle Ages
C Beattie and 1 more
John Arnold and 1 more
Sex, Honor and Citizenship in Early Third Republic France
Andrea Mansker
Male Homosexuality in West Germany
Clayton John Whisnant
Men and Manliness on the Frontier
Robert Hogg
Men at Work
Linsey Robb
Marc-Andre Raffalovich's Uranism and Unisexuality
Arina Cirstea
Perceptions of Pregnancy from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
Jennifer Evans and 1 more
Sex In Two Cities
M Hollander
New Approaches in History and Theology to Same-Sex Love and Desire
Mark D Chapman and 1 more
Immigrants in the Sexual Revolution
Andrew DJ Shield
Men, Masculinities and Male Culture in the Second World War
Linsey Robb and 1 more
The Pathologisation of Homosexuality in Fascist Italy
Gabriella Romano
The Schism of '68
Alana Harris
Sculpture, Sexuality and History
Jana Funke
The Feminist Challenge to the Socialist State in Yugoslavia
Zsófia Lóránd
Ireland and Masculinities in History
Rebecca Anne Barr
The Irish Abortion Journey, 1920–2018
Lindsey EarnerByrne and 1 more
The Correspondence of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, 1846-1894
Douglas Pretsell
Sexual Culture in Germany in the 1970s
Janin Afken
Queer Youth Histories
Daniel Marshall
The Catholic Church and Modern Sexual Knowledge, 1850-1950
Lucia Pozzi
The Unsexed Mind and Psychological Androgyny, 1790-1848
Victoria F Russell
Men Getting Married in England, 1918–60
Neil Penlington
Prisoners of War and Local Women in Europe and the United States, 1914-1956
Matthias Reiss
Men Getting Married in England, 1918-60
Higher Education and the Gendering of Space in England and Wales, 1869-1909
Georgia Oman